Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Joint Venture Companies - issues with Intellectual property protection Essay

Joint Venture Companies - issues with Intellectual property protection and Technology Transfer - Essay Example In addition, around half do not perform to the expected strategic and financial prospects set by either of the individual investing companies. The creation of joint ventures is somewhat problematic because the individual companies are separate entities having diverse interests, the association with the business venture is intricate, and the staffing is an issue because the employees are drawn from each parent company. Nevertheless, they have their own merits such as reducing the risks, when entering new markets, and enabling each company to obtain skills they lacked in their workforce to set up the business. With this knowledge, the paper will be divided into two parts. Part A will look at the issues that foreign partners face when they enter a market where the intellectual property rights are normally protected in a poor manner. Part B will focus on the intellectual property rights in the Russian market with the example of one joint venture company. There is a lot of concern considering Intellectual property rights. However, before looking at the effects and impacts of intellectual property rights it is essential to have a clear aspect of what they really are. Intellectual property right is wide-ranging terms that is utilised to imply things such as trademarks, trade secrets, patents, copyrights and many more kinds of rights that are provided for by the law to guard originally developed things. In additions, it also includes the protection of the knowledge that has been created because of the invention. However, the knowledge can be shared, as it is not a physical thing. The reason is that the success of a society is dependent upon the sharing and using of that knowledge, without which development cannot occur. Nevertheless, this is a tricky affair because, when that knowledge becomes free for all, then it beats logic. It beats logic because the

Monday, February 10, 2020

Issue in global business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Issue in global business - Essay Example The author posits that a more global atmosphere is facing many challenges in the present, despite a high point in the latter part of the twentieth century. â€Å"Synchronized economic slowdowns in Asia, Europe and the United States, the three engines of global commerce, have decimated international trade† (Kurlantzick, 2003). This article presents one side of the issue in terms of these abovementioned regions and their impact, and it does it in great detail. The author is very convincing in arguing that global expansion is something that carries a lot more risk in the present than it used to in the past, because of regionalism being more widespread. A lot of this expansion of regionalism has to do with the interstices between the relatively recent formation of the EU and the valuation of law in society. Randomness and chaos rule both systems. â€Å"The rotation of the presidency entails a lack of continuity in the agenda-setting procedure; the Summit agendas are overloaded with gritty details and each presidency pursues more or less specific topics (‘shopping lists’). This is why the Council currently fails to fulfill its original strategic purpose. Thus, the EU definitely needs a reform of its institutions† (Bilefsky, 2005). Other issues are also dividing regional law in the present can be seen in the case example of subsidies, or government help, offered to agricultural interests. Recently, before the government of Brown, â€Å"The issue of farm subsidies has also divided the European Union into nations favoring more open markets and those who want to maintain protection for their domestic industries. Pri me Minister Tony Blair of Britain called the summit meeting Thursday in the hope of persuading European Union countries to adopt a more modern, liberalizing approach† (Bilefsky, 2005). Regionalisation can either encourage or discourage free trade, depending