Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Relationship between HR and Technology-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the relationship between the HR and the technology. Answer: Introduction The world is like a global village now where the technologies are improving, the internet and computers are everywhere and it reduces the human efforts on every possible thing. Meanwhile, the scenario of the companies is changing with the rise in technology and the more improved version of the communication in the world wide. Technology has become the essential part of every organization. The functions of the various companies as well as the firms are changing with the use of the new technologies. The HR technology is now used by the small, medium and large firms to meet the demands of the stakeholders in time (Banerji, 2013). Information about the employees in the company, about the recent market strategies, about the previous data stored in the database are now easy to get with the help of various technologies the organization has adopted. The relationship between the HR and the technology is now the centre of attraction. The relationship helps in managing the firm's capital. The companies are now developing various web based technologies to deliver the service in time to the clients. It also helps the organization in the recruitment, training, data storage, retrieval, in the communication process between the user and the client, performance management and much more (Bulmash, 2006). Definitions The advancement in the technology is now helping the HR to improve the proficiency in the business. They attract the eyes of each individual, hire them, maintain the human resource, and also help in optimization of the human resource management. The methods are now used by the different stakeholders, managers of the organization, employees and even the HR professionals (Chelladurai Kerwin, 2017). The technology is now making it easier to gather the information in a minimum time, deliver it to the clients in a more efficient way and maintains a smooth flow of communication between the employees as well as the with the higher level authorities. It decreases the burden of the HR department that helps to focus more on the HR activities which helps in taking in the effective decisions for the organization (Harel Tzafrir, 1999). The traditional system of the HR was only to focus on the labor management. Now the situation is totally different as they are now focusing more on the company's planning and the strategic decisions. Apart from this, they are now more interested in the selection, training, and development of the employees, performance appraisal, incentives and rewards and also on the industrial progress (Jain, 2014). A number of tools were developed for the selection of the employees, for the training, to check the performance of the employees and much more. The tools are like the e-recruiting system, e-selection system, e-performance system etc The human resource information technology (HRIT) now makes it easy to gather various information stored in the database, provides all the necessary information about the policies and publications and much more (Khanka, 2007). Issue one Every company maintains a different database where a front end, a back end, and middle ware is maintained. All these three are tightly coupled with each other. When the number of data is increasing, the integration between these three is losing. For example, a small company maintains some few sheet of excel to store the records of the employees, but when the Microsoft comes to the limelight these few sheets are not enough to store the data. For maintaining the record of more than 3000 employees a greater volume of the storage is required (Ulrich et al., 1995). When the volume of the data is more, then the retrieval of the information from the stored data is difficult and takes time if the technology used in the backend is not updated. The platform on which the developers are running the codes varies from one company to the other. Some companies are running it on the JAVA platform whereas some run it on the other. The database in that case also varies from one system to the other (Marchington et al., 2016). There are some updated systems which are able to accommodate a huge number of data whereas some devices are unable of it. Various platforms provide different advantages to the codes if they have an updated device along with the all the software (Purce, 2014). For example, when one MNC company is storing the information of several employees they store the each and every detail of that particular employee like name, previous details, family details, and much more. When the number of employees increases, then the information about each person also increases. The company deals with thousands of employees and on regular basis, they check the progress of the employees. Sometimes when the managers are searching the details they fail to find it. It happens because of the device which is running with a slow processor as well as with the outdated technology. The data is maintained in the database in a different manner which is completely unique from the user point of view. The backend process is different from the front end. Various levels of schemes are maintained based on the clustering pattern (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). Whatever the data is necessary for the managers that will be shown to them, whatever is necessary for the employee they will see only those data and even the other members of the company have different access to the data. Sometimes this fails due to the excess data and less integration between the schemas. The issues related to various technologies in the organization are common. Each developer maintains a code for every data that is important for the company. When some faults occur in the system the entire data set is lost which brings a huge loss for the company (Thite, 2013). Such type of situations occurs when the system is overloaded with data and unable to process more. The developers include the third parties which again takes a huge amount of time to replace the losses. With the increase in the data, there is always a possibility of viruses into the device. The entire system gets corrupted with the rise in the viruses and malware. Gaps in the literature The various problems about the HR technology were mentioned in the articles but to overcome those issues were limited. They have mentioned about the problems occurring in the companies related to the management of various data but to deal with them is not given (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). For the effective transformation of data, various things are important to consider like debugging process, alert process and much more. Although there is a shift from the traditional approach of HR functions to the recent developments still companies lack some of the basic issues that deal with the huge number of data. Future research directions To avoid the technical issues some important things are necessary to consider. The most important thing is to debug the errors in time. When the data amount is increasing, the pressure on the system as well as on the RAM is increased. When the system is not updated then suddenly it may react in a different way. When the size of the program is large, then it becomes difficult to find out the errors in time. When the system was updated then the errors are easy to find (Marchington et al., 2016). The Proper alerting mechanism should be maintained in the system. Every company is dealing with a huge number of clients on a daily basis where the HR is supposed to maintain the records of each client (Khanka, 2007). When one user is dealing with some other client outside of the organization and if any problems occur due to any reason related to the service then with the help of the acknowledgment the problems will be solved. It will give the emergency message or email immediately to the user to modify the fault. The records of the clients are not less in the system so it becomes difficult for the developer to realize the mistake later. So immediately the alert message helps to modify the fault out of thousands of data within a short period of time. The technologies are running on several platforms that are agile in nature. In this stage, the latest patch level is required. A proper communication between the user and the client is required. The codes that are developed by the developers are not easy to manipulate in a short period of time (Marchington et al., 2016). With the advancement in the technology, the process becomes easy now. The platform on which the codes are running always needs an update on regular basis. If it fails then the burden on the system increases which will ultimately lead to the failure of the device. To maintain a proper integration of the data between different levels of the employees, each database should maintain a separate schema for maintaining the user role, privilege, access and authentication. When some problem arises in the backend, then the user should be able to communicate directly with the vendor of that particular device. It will reduce the time to process the complete sequence and to overcome the loss easily. The involvement of any third party in the process will increase the time of the recovery of data. The data are transformed from one system to several other systems within seconds. So there is a chance of losing the data during the process. In order to avoid such problems, proper security maintenance is required. The system should be updated which will help to fight against the malware and viruses. With the increase in the data, the chances of viruses in the systems are also more. When the systems are updated then it obstructs the path of the viruses to enter into the device. So nowadays the companies are adopting the web-based application which helps to connect with several other devices in a secure manner with proper id passwords, and login page that helps in the data encryption. References Banerji, S. C. (2013). A Study of Issues Challenges of Implementation of Information Technology in HRM. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies, 3(4), 435-440. Bulmash, J. (2006). human resources Management and technology. Chelladurai, P., Kerwin, S. (2017). 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